Jeremy Beadle - My Fake Diary

Tuesday, 4 November 2003

i-reet (jamacan init? for the culture) just another day of continuous random suprises, all in the name of tom foolery

i have actually been hard at work on a new televisual concept for the last five minutes. its a sort of cross between youve been framed and crime watch (im still debating whether or not to make room for a gunge tank, oh what was i thinking of course there will be a gunge tank, everyone loves a gunge tank).

it'll involve members of the public-social outcasts mainly to reduce the chances of annoying enquirys if a prank should go 'wrong'. we'll have the obvious social failures, communication breakdowns and domestic incidents (everyone loves a 'giant bread mixture escaping from oven' calamity)

we will then be building up to the christmas special 'tragic 'appenins' and people will get to vote for every aspect of the event, like location, characters background music, just like on richard and judys win a house-pure genius.

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