George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

September, 2009

Dear Diary,

W. Here.

I knew Jimmy Carter would have to get in somewhere and call Congressman Joe Wilson a racist. I mean, he has to do something to keep his name is the news.

Here Carter comes from the great state of Georgia with it's capitol of Atlanta burned down by Yankees so he's like Chamberlain "Peace in our time!"

He's scared shitless that Atlanta will burn down again and take his
precious peanut farm with it.

I bet brother Billy never told a single racist joke in all his life over there with all the good old boys telling jokes all day.

"Why, I am offended by that racist joke, Sir! Kindly remove your ass from our good old boys meeting."

Meanwhile, good old Jimmy doesn't want to insult the Iranian leaders and go get our hostages. Reagan With Balls had to do that the first week of his presidency.

Now Carter calls someone a racist.

Why, 90% of us people from the south talk about NASCAR every single week!


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