George W. Bush - My Fake Diary
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Dear Diary,
Fell of the horse while riding around the ranch again today. Maybe I should get the old segway back out.
I just wanted to ride around and relax after all those speeches.
Nice to know Bill and I both cleared over $100,000. That should help us through the hard times we both got started.
Dad likes Bill more than he does me.
My horse even likes my dad better than me.
Speaking of horses, dad had this really smart horse who used to count by stomping his right front foot. Yeah, dad was always showing him off to people, especially Dan Quayle who couldn't count as high as the horse.
One day dad fell off the horse when there was a rattlesnake in the path and the snake bit dad. Well, dad told him, "Sonny...that was his name, Sonny...Sonny, go get me a doctor."
Sonny took off and was back with 25 minutes..with a vet.
But everyone survived, although that was when dad started all that "must be prudent" stuff.
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