George W. Bush - My Fake Diary
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Dear Diary
Another great night of speeches by yours truly and that other president who loves women. Just kidding.
Not as many attending but still several people.
Mostly they want to ask Bill embarrassing questions and me trick ones so they can get some cheap headlines.
The only press rep we had was from the Spoof and you can't get much higher than that unless it's Gerald O, himself.
I've been watching Osama at the motel on TV and he's not out there whacking weeds at all. What's going to happen to the White House Rose Garden?
We may have to get Jeb elected or the whole place will be a wreck.
Osama took his wife and about 100 security people on a date that cost $24,000. Must have ordered a Big Mac with gold dressing.
Speaking of Big Macs and those other fast foods, that's all Bill wants to eat and I need some barbecued ribs bad.
Well, the speaking is over after tonight. We're having two drawings and the winners get to throw a pie in our face.
That didn't sound right. Well, good enough for government work!
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