George W. Bush - My Fake Diary
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Dear Diary,
I hate it when the writers and television comedians make up these jokes about how dumb I am.
I'd match my ICue with any of them.
Here's Johnny Letterman coming off with one after another and they never touch the magic negro.
Oh they hit up his VP and his hair plugs and his mother in law but they seldom hit him like they did me or even Bill Clinton for that matter.
Letterman just goes on after me even after I'm out of office. Comparing me to Koko the signing gorilla.
Well I'm 100% smarter than that Koko! You know why? Because Koko is Nomo! He or she or it died years ago.
I know because I went to the funeral. He looked silly with all that make-up but his grin was nice.
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