George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Dear Diary,

W. Here.

We're still here at the ranch.

Just heard that the Swine Flu may be emerging with the regular commom old every day killer flu and that could be bad or that's what Cheney says.

The Cheney's have a secret place to go in Wyoming if a plague breaks out. You can't hide anywhere around here. The stupid press knows every inch.

I never did get an answer from that Pope in Rome when I asked him for three wishes. He only smiled but he didn't say yea or no. I'd sure like to know one way or another.

We've caught three of those hogs that somebody turned loose here and the vet says they're OK although he had to set one of their legs as it got broke. But it should be healed up for the barbecue.

Guess I'll invite my younger brother, Jeb and family over for it. He might run for President next time.


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