George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Friday, 15 May 2009

Dear Diary,


I hope everybody heard that recording of Osama answering questions without his teleprompter.

My goodness, you hear this other voice telling him what to say and THEN you hear him say it exactly as he's told.

I'd loved to have had somebody else there saying things like:

"When I say we're all suffering from this economy, I excuse myself and the other political leaders of the nation."

Hee hee hee.

"Since no one I know pays taxes, we're during pretty doggone good, actually. But we'll do better once you all get your tax bills."

What a hoot.

Come to thing of it, if the guy HAD let loose with a hoot, you'd probably see a confused Osama standing there hooting away!

I NEVER used a teleprompter. Not even sure what one is.

No, what most people don't know and won't until they read these pages many years from now, is that Cheney is a ventriloquist!


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