A Hezbollah hitman is arrested at a wrestling match

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 10 July 2023

image for A Hezbollah hitman is arrested at a wrestling match
"Su Tibia has become addicted to Big Macs." -STEPHEN COLBERT

One of the world's most wanted terrorist hitmen, Yaseen Su Tibia, was arrested as he sat in the second row at a WWE wrestling match in New York City.

The Hezbollah terrorist, who is known as "The Crazy Creep," told arresting officers that he is not a terrorist and that he just looks like one because of his long shoulder length hair, his scraggly beard, his Iraqi accent, and the fact that he smells like a camel.

Su Tibia even showed the officers a copy of his birth certificate which showed that he was born in Milwaukee's St. Beer Brewers Hospital.

The smelly hitman did not realize that the birthdate on his fake birth certificate showed a birthdate of 03-03-2020, which would make him three-years-old.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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