BOOBOORAD, Ukraine - (Satire News) - The pride of Afghanistan, The Big Red 13th Regiment has truly distinguished itself as it recently destroyed a total of 17 Russian tanks in less than twelve minutes.
The regiment led by Gen. Yasheem Shake Tu, is regarded as one of the meanest armies on the face of the earth.
Members of this unit have been known to actually bite enemy soldiers in close hand-to-hand combat.
Gen. Yasheen Shake Tu, says that his men would walk off of a bridge for him. And so, he has made his soldiers the highest paid troops in the entire world.
SIENOTE: Gen Tu said that to show his appreciation for their devotion he gives each one of his troops special incentives that other leaders don't. For instance, he gives each of his soldiers a camel, three acres of land, and a whore.