
Funny satire stories about Taliban

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Funny story: Khloe Kardashian admits that yes, she recently dated a Taliban hitman - but only once

Khloe Kardashian admits that yes, she recently dated a Taliban hitman - but only once

In a surprising twist that had Bedroom Pillow Talk reporter Carolina Chipotle's eyebrows reaching for the stars, she dared to ask the towering Khloe Kardashian about a peculiar rumor circulating in the celebrity cosmos – was she really dating a hitma…

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Funny story: An infamous Taliban hit man captured as he was eating a cheeseburger at The La Bea Tar Pits Diner

An infamous Taliban hit man captured as he was eating a cheeseburger at The La Bea Tar Pits Diner

The iNews News Agency reports that one of the most wanted Taliban hit men has been captured by two La Brea Police Department police officers. You might think the Taliban is a throwback from the 2000s but it still has some tail-end SEO activity.

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Funny story: And Now For Something Completely Taliban

And Now For Something Completely Taliban

Q: How many Taliban does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: One Million! One to find a book on how to screw in lightbulbs and read it, and 999,999 to whip the living shit out of any woman or girl who dares read the same book. Q: How many Taliban…

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Funny story: Harry’s Killin’ & Thrillin’

Harry’s Killin’ & Thrillin’

Prince Harry killed 25 Taliban fuckers. Big whoop. That’s 25 fewer asshole to tell women what to do (is that Afghanistan or America I’m writing about?) Hopefully the Taliban are overthrown by all the women and girls they won’t let go to school. First…

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Funny story: The Taliban Olympics: Women Only

The Taliban Olympics: Women Only

The Taliban are giving serious thought about entering the next Olympics! Afghanistan hasn’t been in any Olympics since they outlawed jihad as a sport, so this will be an exciting time for the well-governed nation. Strangely, most of the competitor…

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Funny story: Vacation in Afghanistan – and Die!

Vacation in Afghanistan – and Die!

Journalists, reporters, women, you pretty much name it, and no one can live safely in Afghanistan. No shit! They won. They kicked everybody out of their country, and are really good at doing so, ever since the Romans (maybe even earlier?). But wit…

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Funny story: The Reason Why The Name Johnny Is Now The Most Popular Boys Name In Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan

The Reason Why The Name Johnny Is Now The Most Popular Boys Name In Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan - (Satire News) - Sandstone, the Afghanistan national news agency, has just reported that the most popular male name in the Taliban-controlled country is no longer Mohammad, Abdul, or Ahmad. Sandstone has revealed that the most…

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Funny story: The Big Red 13th Taliban Regiment of Afghanistan Destroys 17 Russian Tanks In Less Than 12 Minutes

The Big Red 13th Taliban Regiment of Afghanistan Destroys 17 Russian Tanks In Less Than 12 Minutes

BOOBOORAD, Ukraine - (Satire News) - The pride of Afghanistan, The Big Red 13th Regiment has truly distinguished itself as it recently destroyed a total of 17 Russian tanks in less than twelve minutes. The regiment led by Gen. Yasheem Shake Tu, is…

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Funny story: Afghan Taliban to Make Women Cover Up Sexually Alluring Fingers With Gloves

Afghan Taliban to Make Women Cover Up Sexually Alluring Fingers With Gloves

Muslim Men are such lustful animals, an Afghan spokesman said, that we regretfully must ask Afghan women to wear gloves, to cover up their sexually alluring fingers. First, we had to ask women to cover up their hips and breasts as Afghan males co…

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Funny story: Scotland Yard Has Captured The Notorious Taliban Hitman, Saheed Fasha Shasta

Scotland Yard Has Captured The Notorious Taliban Hitman, Saheed Fasha Shasta

LONDON - (UK Satire) - Scotland Yard is happy to announce that they have just managed to capture one of the world's most infamous terrorist hit men, Saheed Fasha Shasta. A spokesperson for Scotland Yard stated that after receiving a tip from US in…

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Funny story: The Taliban President of Afghanistan Is Sending 300 Soldiers To Defend Ukraine Against The Russian Invaders

The Taliban President of Afghanistan Is Sending 300 Soldiers To Defend Ukraine Against The Russian Invaders

KABUL, Afghanistan – (Satire News) – Afghanistan’s new president Abu Taboo Fashu, has informed the news media that he has ordered 300 crack Taliban soldiers to fly to the Ukraine and join the American’s, the British, and the Cambodian troops in defen…

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Funny story: A Female Boston Bookeeper Has Been Hired By Afghanistan's Taliban Government

A Female Boston Bookeeper Has Been Hired By Afghanistan's Taliban Government

KABUL, Afghanistan – (US Satire) – The new president of Afghanistan, Abu Taboo Fashu, is extremely thrilled, and proud that he has finally managed to find a reputable bookkeeper to do the books of the new Taliban government. The official Aghani ne…

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Funny story: Taliban set to allow women to practice mild nagging during daylight hours

Taliban set to allow women to practice mild nagging during daylight hours

Afghanistan's Taliban leaders have announced, that as part of their inclusivity policy towards women, a controlled amount of spousal nagging will be permitted from February this year during daylight hours, after which a strict ban will be imposed.

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Funny story: Scotland Yard Has Captured The Notorious Taliban Leader Chin Sin Cuck

Scotland Yard Has Captured The Notorious Taliban Leader Chin Sin Cuck

LONDON – (Satire News) – One of the world’s most evil, dastardly, SOB terrorists has just been captured by agents for Scotland Yard. The mean, hate-filled, lying leader, named Chin Sin Cuck, who bears a striking resemblance to Donald “Piss Face” T…

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Funny story: A Taliban Sympathizer Has Been Elected To Sit On The Sheboygan, Wisconsin City Council

A Taliban Sympathizer Has Been Elected To Sit On The Sheboygan, Wisconsin City Council

SHEBOYGAN, Wisconsin – (Satire News) – The Omnium Gatherum News Agency has just announced that history has been made in Sheboygan. Ashburn Wasabi, with OGNA, reported that a Taliban operative, named Fasheen Shake Baveen, 39, has been elected to si…

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Funny story: The Taliban Is Extremely Concerned About Afghanistan's Camel Shortage

The Taliban Is Extremely Concerned About Afghanistan's Camel Shortage

KABUL, Afghanistan - (World News) - Word coming out of the Taliban capital is that the new government is extremely concerned about the camel shortage which has hit the nation. Afghanistan's national news agency, the Two-Humped Camel News Agency, f…

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Funny story: The Taliban Opens Up Afghanistan’s Very First Massage Parlor

The Taliban Opens Up Afghanistan’s Very First Massage Parlor

KABUL, Afghanistan – (Business News) – The Sandstone News Agency has just related that in a move to become more and more Americanized, the new Taliban administration has just given a Taliban-owned company the right to open up the very first massage p…

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