Easy to Learn Things That Putin Doesn’t Understand

Funny story written by Ana Sian

Saturday, 18 June 2022

image for Easy to Learn Things That Putin Doesn’t Understand
Big Missiles from a Man with a Little Brain



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And the strange fact that, if Putin wants to expand to borders of Russia, getting them back to where they were when Soviet Russia took over and consumed half of Eastern Europe and running those countries like Gulags (which explains why in the early 1990s each one of those countries speedily left all traces of the fascist Soviets behind and become democracies) ... uh, where was I?

Basically this, Putin: if you start a nuclear war, Russia won’t expand, it will contract. It will be radioactive and most Russians will be dead. You need people to fill vacancies in your militaries. If they are dead, they cannot drive tanks or fly jets. Do you understand that, Vlad? It’s very simple, like you.

There will be no more Russia if Putin opens up the missile silos. Putin is bluffing. And surely those Russians who are still alive must say to themselves (though not out loud or the KGB will send them far far away) that their leader is evil ‘cuz he started WW3.

No more Moscow means no more dictatorships forever ...

Which begs the question: if Russia, China, and the U.S.A. didn’t exist, wouldn’t the rest of us feel a lot safer? (I feel another article coming on, ‘scuse me.)


The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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