Will The World Or Russian Generals Stop Putin?

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Thursday, 10 March 2022

image for Will The World Or Russian Generals Stop Putin?
Blondie can't threaten and blackmail the world into submission.

The whole world is nervous about upsetting Putin. Putin reminded the world that he had nuclear weapons. So there!

Don't you dare interfere with my slaughter in Ukraine or else.

The world was left shaking in its boots because of the or else.

Yes, Blondie has nukes. And he wants everyone to let him level Ukraine into submission or else he’ll start World War III. And that means the end of the world as we know it. Or if the world allows him, the end of the sovereign nation of Ukraine.

It is already the end of the world for numerous dead Ukrainians and Russians. Will the entire world allow one unhinged Russian hold IT hostage with the threat of nuclear war?

Russia's great! They have a history of giants like Tolstoy, Rachmaninoff, Kandinsky, Dostoevsky, and Tchaikovsky. Aren’t there any great Russian generals who can walk into Putins office, give him a good hard spanking, cancel his nuclear finger and send him into early retirement?

Once upon a time, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy sent French fighter jets into Libya to save Benghazi. Benghazi was surrounded and hours away from falling to Qaddafi forces. Sarkozy didn’t wait for a vote of confidence from the rest of the world. Sarkozy sent the planes.

And bravo Sarkozy. Sarkozy asked for the same kind of intervention in Syria to avoid a “massacre”. That “massacre” still continues.

Today the world is wringing its hands about sending US fighter jets to Poland, so Poland can send their old Russian MiGs to Ukraine, so Ukrainian pilots can stop Russians planes from bombing hospitals, schools, homes, and a nation.

So where is today's Sarkozy?

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