
Funny satire stories about Sarkozy

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Funny story: Yo, United Nations! Are You There?

Yo, United Nations! Are You There?

United Nations! Are you there? Time to get off the dime and do some work. Ukraine is drowning. Ukraine has been asking, pleading, begging for a no-fly zone, not above Portugal or Venezuela, but over their own country Ukraine. NATO wrings its hands…

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Funny story: Will The World Or Russian Generals Stop Putin?

Will The World Or Russian Generals Stop Putin?

The whole world is nervous about upsetting Putin. Putin reminded the world that he had nuclear weapons. So there! Don't you dare interfere with my slaughter in Ukraine or else. The world was left shaking in its boots because of the or else.

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Funny story: Clean Air? Thank You, Bravo, Merci France

Clean Air? Thank You, Bravo, Merci France

May 7th, France voted for freedom, tomorrow and the future. France is a place on the map rich for its history, elegance, creativity and food. France also recognizes climate change and that clean air isn't negotiable. Thank you France for cr...

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Funny story: Naughty Nigel's Knotty Nuclear Option

Naughty Nigel's Knotty Nuclear Option

Nigel Farage has finally had it with the intransigence of the EU. So he's offering the following nuclear option for Europe, which has terrified sundry Eurocrats and politicians of all the once proud and arrogant former states of Europe. Nigel genially smirks: If you don't give us what we want, we will stay in the EU forever! Apparently the whole continent's quaking in their seven-l...

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Funny story: Ex French President on hard times

Ex French President on hard times

Nantes, France. Former French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, has suffered some setbacks since he lost the Presidential election two years ago. Friends of the ex leader say that he has been forced to sell his chateau in the south of France and also reli...

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Funny story: President Obama Upset That His Favorite Hamburger Joint Has Closed

President Obama Upset That His Favorite Hamburger Joint Has Closed

WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Obama received word from his Chief Secret Service Agent Laramie Cobalt that his favorite hamburger establishment Ray's Hell Burgers has shut its doors. The president immediately asked what in the world had happened. He...

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Funny story: Ashley Olsen Angry At Her Twin Sister Mary-Kate For Dating A Man Almost Old Enough To Be Their Grandfather

Ashley Olsen Angry At Her Twin Sister Mary-Kate For Dating A Man Almost Old Enough To Be Their Grandfather

NEW YORK CITY - For most of their lives the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley have pretty much agreed on everything from acting to fashion designing and from salad ingredient choices to their favorite American Idol contestant. The 25-year-old twin...

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Funny story: Angela Merkel Gets One Up The Westphalia - We Told You So, Says Lucid!

Angela Merkel Gets One Up The Westphalia - We Told You So, Says Lucid!

German Chancellor Angela Merkel suffered a signficant blow yesterday when German's biggest region decisively rejected her austerity policies. Her Christian Democrats suffered a heavy defeat in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, with the Social D...

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Funny story: Sarkozy lost because he preferred German black bread to baguettes!

Sarkozy lost because he preferred German black bread to baguettes!

The French presidential election has ended with the French going slightly left instead of right causing quite an upset amongst its European neighbours. Sarkozy admitted defeat gracefully to his opponent, Hollanda (Who's actually Double Dutch), apo...

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Funny story: Holland Wins French Presidency

Holland Wins French Presidency

The people of France have spoken, in French, to send a stark message to their political parties by choosing another country to rule over them. In a remarkable turn of events, the country of Holland will assume the French presidency after defeatin...

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Funny story: Cameron to fight Sarkozy after the French arm British badgers

Cameron to fight Sarkozy after the French arm British badgers

A boxing match is to be held between David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris next week, a government spokesman informed us last night. The fight is set to take place under the Arc De Triumph and has been sparked by revelations that the French...

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Funny story: World leaders scuffle in Davos

World leaders scuffle in Davos

Drama overshadowed the end of the talks between world leaders last night when a fight broke out between leader of the Daleks Mr Derek Davros and French Prime Minister Nicolas Teacozy. World leaders had met in Davos for the four day summit aiming t...

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Funny story: France AAA credit downgrading blamed on Strictly Come Dancing presenter Bruce Forsyth

France AAA credit downgrading blamed on Strictly Come Dancing presenter Bruce Forsyth

The blame for the credit downgrading of France was laid at the door of Strictly Come Dancing presenter Bruce Forsyth today. The Eurozone has been in crisis recently with bail-outs to Greece, Portugal and Ireland, while other countries like the UK...

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Funny story: David Cameron reconsiders Euro Veto after rumours of 'wife swapping club'

David Cameron reconsiders Euro Veto after rumours of 'wife swapping club'

David Cameron has secretly reconsidered his decision to veto the Eurozone agreement, not because Coalition Deputy Prime Minister Nick Flegg threw a wobbly and poured arsenick in his tea but because he overheard the French foreign minister talking abo...

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Funny story: Sarkozy to appear in Skegness Panto - 'Oh yes he is!'

Sarkozy to appear in Skegness Panto - 'Oh yes he is!'

Hot, hot, hot off the press today is confirmation that French President Nicolas Sarkozy is to make a much anticipated appearance on British shores to star in panto this year. He will be appearing as head dwarf, 'Smelly' in 'Snow White and the Seven D...

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Funny story: Euro Deal Could be Sunk by Conflicting Titanic Metaphors

Euro Deal Could be Sunk by Conflicting Titanic Metaphors

Reuters reported increasing jitters on financial markets this week as euro leaders failed to reach agreement on which Titanic metaphor accurately summarised the UK's position. Having walked away from signing a deal agreed by all 26 other EU states, t...

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Funny story: Cameron Threatens To Nut Sarkozy Over EU Snub - 'Bah Humbug! Bring It On!' Says Diminutive Frenchman

Cameron Threatens To Nut Sarkozy Over EU Snub - 'Bah Humbug! Bring It On!' Says Diminutive Frenchman

A furious David Cameron, allegedly this evening threatened to head-butt French President Sarkozy, following the much reported incident where Sarkozy snubbed the PM as he vetoed an EU motion, and basically told Germany and France that if they wanted t...

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