People not buying panic

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Sunday, 26 September 2021

image for People not buying panic
Don't Panic

Despite reports, people are not buying panic.

'Yes' said news reporter Brick Outhouse 'We have said in the press that people are panic buying, but they are not actually buying any panic. There is more than enough panic out there for everyone, so don't worry about it.'

Supplies of concern, worry, and fear of the future are still on shelves.

'Yes, people are buying things in quantities, and a few people are buying more than they should, but that is only to be expected' said economic expert Mr Spender.

'It is the law of supply and demand really. No-one wants concerns, or panic from the shops, as we can create our own, with no problems' concluded Mr Spender.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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