On Wednesday, opposition leader Juan Guaido, of Venezuela, swore himself in as interim president, replacing Nicolas Maduro.
Maduro was elected president May, 2018, with a plurality of over 60%, but from a fairly low turnout, in what the Guaido forces claim was a phony election.
These new developments come amidst demonstrations, and at least 20 people dead. The military has declared it will stand by Maduro.
Mr. Maduro has offered dialogue; Mr. Guaido will have none of it.
Mr. Trump, encouraged by Pompeo and Bolton, has already recognized Guaido as interim president.
Venezuela also happens to house the world’s largest oil reserves.
The international community is split on this matter. The UN is calling for dialogue.
As usual, world opinion is embroiled in a rat’s nest of disagreement.
But in the US, Hillary Clinton was immediately thrust into high energy and activism via reports out of Venezuela.
Do not these reports directly apply to herself?
*the 2016 election was entirely false since it was rigged, impeded, afflicted, and stolen by Vladimir Putin.
*as proven by all those facebook ads.
*she won the popular vote (although most of the extra votes did come from California).
*thus she was the rightful winner in that polluted 2016 election, especially after she took steps to make sure that socialist Bernie Sanders would not be the nominee.
This morning, surrounded by supporters including Mr. Clapper, Mr. Brennan, Mr. Comey, Mr. Mueller, Mr. Rosenstein, plus engineers of The Steele Dossier, Ms. Clinton swore herself in as rightful current POTUS.
She has given Mr. Trump five days to clear out of the White House and go back to where he belongs, in one of his Trump Towers.
Mr. Trump has shot back he will not yield.
He will declare a national emergency—not for the Wall at this time—to call out the 82nd Airborne against this “coup by Hillary Clinton.”
Money will be taken from the Puerto Rico disaster funds or somewhere.
The 800,000 workers (government re-opened today) could be dropped to half pay—maybe there.
Ms. Clinton: “Look, with all these capitulations, Mr. Trump, pardon my French, is dead meat anyway, beyond simply lame duck.”
“We need new leadership, as with myself—honest, honorable, clean, and simply the best, by God.”
Mr. Trump: “Look, the United States is not some sh*thole country in South America, all right?"
“We don’t do elections according to some Johnny-come-lately declaring himself or herself leader and to hell with official results!”