Resistance to Berneesta shrivelosis emboldens Neo-McCarthyism at Hotel Harbinger

Funny story written by joseph k winter

Monday, 1 August 2016

image for Resistance to Berneesta shrivelosis emboldens Neo-McCarthyism at Hotel Harbinger
This image for Putin being considered as part of a series with Trump

Spoof deep investigations have followed developments at the Democratic National Convention into what is taking place behind the current accusations against Trump and Russia.

At the seen-better-days but obscure Hotel Harbinger not far from Hillary Clinton's residence, she has been meeting with a group of advisors borrowed from George W. Bush.

In recent years these advisors have been hanging around with not much to do since 02 and 03 as part of implementing the Saddam non-existent WMD ploy.

They believe that thirteen years later nobody will remember the 03 distortions and subsequent wars which led to the madness and chaos of today's middle east.

According to a deep throat out of this group, Trump's threat to win the upcoming election indicates it's time to trot out the old bromide--them Russians! them Russians! them nasty Russians!

The hero for this Harbinger Group maneuvering is Senator Joseph McCarthy from the 1950's, with his House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).

This man sonorously and repeatedly held up a piece of paper saying he had a list of all them traitorous commies in the national government right there in his hand.

The list turned out to be a piece of paper only.

All the buzzing and formulating and nauseating and sweating and prevaricating and nastiness of that time is now assessed as one of the lowest moments in the Republic's history, when it comes to sneaky opportunism and egotism.

McCarthy's behavior makes Trump look angelic.

Therefore, it's time to play the commie menace card and play it big!

Additionally, the remaining Berneestas who didn't shrivel away into the Clinton camp are talking up this Green Party thing.

Ms. Clinton is being urged to move on to infantilize, smear, hurl and twirl while basking in her seven point bump from the recently ended DNC.

But at this deep and dark Harbinger Hotel meeting Ms. Clinton seemed unusually nervous, biting her fingernails and eyeing the little black cigars the men were smoking.

"Isn't there something else?" she kept asking. "Something to add on as a little insurance in case the American people are not as stupid as we think they are?"

Cunningly placed audio at the hotel indicates heads bent together and buzzing with a pronounced "Yes!" in excited tones, probably from Ms. Clinton. A new spin is on its way.

Putin and Trump in bed together. Photographs. Either Putin or Trump wearing bridal headgear--both smiling.

Plus Ms. Clinton could voice sympathy with Melania, solidarity and comfort.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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