During the good old days of the Cold War, there was a thing the Americans and Soviet invented called “Mutually-Assured Destruction” or M.A.D. This came about when both side had enough nuclear missiles to blow the frick outa each other, and take the r…
Reports indicate President Moreno of Ecuador, sitting at his desk, snapped his pencil on hearing of a new asylum seeker at an Ecuador embassy. He is rumored to have said: "At least she’s rich.” This time it’s Meng Wanzhou, 46, CFO of Chinese te...
Spoof deep investigations have followed developments at the Democratic National Convention into what is taking place behind the current accusations against Trump and Russia. At the seen-better-days but obscure Hotel Harbinger not far from Hillary...
General Craig Filner made public Monday that the US has weighed its options, and has decided it will be sending forces into the Bahamas in the coming days. The military act is believed to be in response to the Vladimir Putin decision of sending R...
London, UK - A highly decorated World War III general and former UK Chief of Stuff has been quizzed by cops following a series of dawn raids as part of Operation Ratsarse. General Sir Monty Dambusta, WC & bar, 47,942,716th in line to the Briti...
President Barack Obama cranked up the pressure on Vladimir Putin during a 45 minute phone call from the Oval Office in the early hours on Tuesday morning, warning the the muscle bound Russian "if you don't stop it I'll tell my mom." John Kerry bel...
President Obama has stepped up pressure on their old cold war foe Russia over their actions in the Crimea today. During a press conference at the White House he revealed that increased sanctions will be carried out against Russia, starting with excl...
As the world shuttered at the prospect of World War 3 this morning, word of a private conversation between Russian leader Putin and President Obama was leaked by inside sources at the White House. The source, who requested anonymity, stated: "I sup...
WASHINGTON, DC - Around 30 protestors gathered in DC on Friday, calling the Second Amendment "long-outdated" and asking Congress to do something about it. The right to bear arms has been defended by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and many gu...
Paperes released this week reveal that one of the most dramatic moments of the Cold War was about socks. Since 1962, when US President John F Kennedy faced down Soviet chief Nikiti Kruschev, the world has believed that the issue was about the cons...
US President Barack Obama has revived the nuclear arms race with Moscow, which was shelved in the wake of the Cold War and subsequent saccharine peacenik PR, such as taking down the Berlin Wall amid spontaneious worldwide celebrations and then hawkin...
During some of the darkest days of the Cold War, the US, Cuba and the former Soviet Union came very close to setting down the path to nuclear holocaust by way of the Missile Crisis. Of course, the above is known fact and is still taught in school pretty much as-is... which is in itself rather remarkable considering that social and cultural engineering has rewritten so much history that most chi...
US President Obama and Nobel Peace Prize winner has told China, "Nuke North Korea or I won't speak to you again!" China replied, "then don't" This has led to a chilling of relationships and an eventual "Cold War"! Obama has asked Taiwan to...
SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea unveiled its latest Cold War technology today, launching yet another attack against whales in the Sea of Japan as the United States and South Korea closely monitored the attempted slaughter. US sources say satellit...
Although recently enjoying a true hero's departure the epoch making truth of her amazing split personalitied adventures can now finally be revealed to an awestruck world. Was A Bit Of A 'Special' Child Her exact birth date is lost in the mists...
Warsaw, Poland - A group of Polish historians have pooled their resources to tear down the Iron Curtain associated with the Cold War between the United States and Russia. The Cold War saw the nuclear buildup of both sides attempting to gain advantage...
Vlad Putin, the Russian Premier, declared today that cutting off gas supplies to the Ukraine and Europe was his solution to Global Warming. In a statement from his hunting trip in Ukraine with Sarah Palin, Vlad said, "We freeze our bollocks off ev...
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