US admit that infecting their enemies with sexual diseases didn't work!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Friday, 1 October 2010

image for US admit that infecting their enemies with sexual diseases didn't work!
It wasn't their fault, they were just feeling "horny"!

The US have fumbled most of the conflicts they have entered, one only has to look at the long list of blunders over the last 70 odd years to realise that US Implerialism is not all what it's cracked up to be

Failures in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq twice, Afghanistan have proven the fact (ok, the Panama conflict they just about managed to win?) that the US are just quantity not quality when it comes to fighting their enemies.

The latest strategic blunder to be revealed is maybe the biggest blunder of them all: They attempted to infect their enemies with venereal diseases a lá gonorrhoea and syphilis.

Before assaulting their enemies with the diseases they did some tests in Guatamala on the "muy pobres" and mentally ill there and now are grovelling to them begging for forgiveness.

The successes of this campagne have never been quantified because most of their enemies were always slightly cleverer and quicker than the mighty force of the Yanks (apart from Iraqi soldiers who surrendered when they were offered a decent cup of coffee and a Mars bar).

The only time the US spread of venereal diseases actually functioned was in the whore houses of Saigon, Bankok, Seoul, Phnom Penh, etc, but that was not supposed to be the purpose of the exercise, oops, sorry innocent Guatamalans!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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