BBZ New: It has been reported that, Tiger Woods, is fighting against a monetary scam created to extract millions of dollars from his deep pocket.
With all the disloyalty and extortion Woods has experienced in his life, he has come of age. He's ready for any curve balls that come his way.
Tiger Woods' jilted ex-friend, Harpy Sherman, filed a 30 million dollar lawsuit against Woods, alleging a nondisclosure agreement she signed should be declared unenforceable under the federal Speak Out Act Of 2021.
Harpy Sherman was homeless before meeting Woods. Now, she's ready to tell the world a pack of lies her attorney has written out for her.
Legal analyst, Pussy Tracy says, "This is the first time a tenant has brought up the federal Speak Out Act over an eviction."
Pussy Tracy pointed to a famous case where celebrity Johnny Depp won a defamation trial and was awarded $10.4 million against a woman who lied about him.
Pussy Tracy is the daughter of the famed detective Dick Tracy.
Most likely Harpy Shermen's attorneys will be charged with attempted extortion like Micheal Avenatti.
Micheal Avenatti was charged with attempted extortion in what prosecutors say was an attempt by Avenatti to extort up to $25 million from Nike. The charges carry a combined potential penalty of 42 years in prison.
Sherman's attorneys set themselves up for a potential extortion conviction by using contradictive statements.
“Does this case involve allegations of sexual abuse?” asked a reporter.
“Yes,” answered Sherman’s attorney.
Her attorney answered the same question with a “no” in the other lawsuit against the trust filed in October, damaging their credibility and showing evidence of intimidation and extortion to force a large out of court settlement. The FBI is currently involved in a criminal case against her attorneys.
In a complaint filed in the 16th Circuit Court in Martian County, Alaska, Harpy Sherman, acknowledged that a home trust controlled by Woods is trying, through litigation, to enforce an NDA she signed on February 7, 2015. The Speak Out Act of 2021 only applies to contracts signed after 2021.
The Congress stated clearly that the speak out act of 2021 is not retroactive to comply with Res judicata (RJ) or res iudicata, also known as claim preclusion, is the Latin term for matter decided and refers to either of two concepts in both civil law and common law legal systems.
In Zuluaga v. Altice USA, the appellate court pointed out that the plain text of the Speak Out Law makes clear that the law is not retroactive by stating, "This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, shall apply with respect to any dispute or claim that arises or accrues on or after the date of enactment of this Act."
It was to be a normal eviction notice, like others that Sherman had obeyed throughout her life, but the lure of a big payout from a rich celebrity like, Tiger Woods, loomed over her mind. She then sought the legal services of 'Swifty Jones and Associates, a law firm.
For her part, Sherman's attorney believes the NDA is invalid and cites a law that states a court is entitled to decide the validity of the Act rather than an arbitrator. Her attorney is showing signs of criminal extortion.
Unfortunately for Sherman's attorney, a court would favor Woods by closing the case on Sherman permanently. In court, Sherman could be subjected to criminal prosecution and a civil case against her.
Sherman once lived in a homeless camp where she made friends with Woods when he volunteered to work at a soup kitchen near the camp.
Out of compassion, Woods allowed Sherman to live rent-free as a guest at the home he was staying. He got her a good paying job at his restaurant and they were sometimes seen together during his golfing tours, along with his other friends.
Woods asked Sherman to vacate his home when he awoke one morning and found Sherman naked in his bed. Woods told her, "My friend, why are you in my bed without clothing? Please leave the house now!"
Sherman isn't trustworthy and she's a pervert.
Sherman packed her belongings and left. Later she hired an attorney, Swifty Jones, to extract money from Woods.
The police classified Harpy Sherman as a serial stalker with violent tendencies and severe mental issues. She was detained outside of Woods' home.
Woods told the police that he moved to a new location. He listed his house for sale where Harpy Sherman had once lived. He said the stench that Sherman left behind permeated throughout the house along with Sherman's fleas that occupied the dwelling. It took a cleaning crew weeks to make the house suitable for sale.
After, Swifty Jones, filed the lawsuit to drop the NDA, Woods' attorney responded, "any disagreements or distrust should have been brought up by Sherman and her previous attorney before she signed the irrevocable contract, she had every opportunity to back away from the NDA."
Plainly speaking, Sherman didn't have to sign the agreement, unless she had a hidden motive
Her attorney, Swifty Jones, is facing multiple counts of extortion after he was accused of filing a baseless case for 30 million dollars and using an NDA agreement to harass and intimidate Mr. Woods into settling out of court for money he doesn't owe.
"Groundless and not brought in good faith," a judge has ordered Swifty Jones to pay the legal fees of Mr. Woods.
The Judge says attorney, Swifty Jones will have to pick up the tab for Woods.
What Swifty Jones owes has yet to be determined. The judge told Wood's legal team to submit their bill to him for review.
Legal experts say Woods could be awarded close to a billion dollars in damages because of the loss to his earning potential in commercials, endorsements, and movie contracts.
"When Sherman's attorney said "Yes" to a question over sexual abuse, he damaged the reputation of Mr. Wood's," said legal expert Henry Einstein.
It's impossible that Sherman's attorneys can prove sexual abuse because Sherman never brought up the subject in the past and she never walked out on Mr. Woods over such an issue in the past. She brought up the issue in retaliation for the eviction while also demanding to move back in, to be with Mr. Woods again.
Her false allegations are vague and threadbare because her pled is implausible since her accusations lack factual specificity. She never filed a civil complaint in the past when she said it occurred and she happily continued to date Woods after the time she claims it occurred.
Court documents indicated the state’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel was also contacted about the situation, although there were no formal proceedings against Swiftly Jones. His decision to voluntarily resign from the legal profession after being accused appears to have spared him from undergoing public disciplinary proceedings by the board.