BILLINGSGATE POST: Already accused of having a brain missing a synapse or two, something even more sinister may be lurking in the backend of Joe Biden’s Fruit-of-the-Loom ball-huggers.
Most men his age rely on their carefully honed instincts when attempting to squeeze off a vaporized shit burger special, especially while meeting with someone in an environmentally sensitive area, such as the Vatican.
At the end of October 2021, right after President Joe Biden met with Pope Francis during the G20 summit, hashtags such as #poopypantsbiden and #poopgate started circulating on social media, along memes based on the claim that the Commander-In-Chief had a “bathroom accident” during his meeting with the Pope.
The Pope was less than forthcoming when asked why his eyes were watering during his meeting with President Biden. Pictures of a sheepish Biden mince-stepping after kissing the Pope’s ring gave spectators reason to think the unthinkable; perhaps the President had befouled his shorts. Ever discreet, the Pope said that he always tears up on such historic occasions.
When presented paparazzi pictures of the brown hash marks on Biden’s skivvies, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre rolled her eyes, saying that the hash marks were definitely “not his.”
Dr. Slim: “Has this story been verified by Snopes?”
Dirty: “Yo, Dr. Dude…Seriously?”