CHICAGO - (Satire News) - The latest QuinniPinni Poll shows that the Trumptard's popularity is now lower than a rattlesnake's belly.
A poll taken of 837,414 Republicans who voted for Trump in 2020, now clearly shows that they have finally come to the realization that "Cheeto Face" did in fact know that he lost the election, but his egotistical orange-colored ego, would not let him accept the fact.
One of Connecticut's leading political psychiatrists, Dr. Wintrop P. Riffinburn, Jr., noted that Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump is a perfect example of a spoiled, rotten brat who will take his football and go home, if he is not allowed to be the quarterback.
Dr. Riffinburn, further added that he truly feels that DJT being the predatorial racist, Vietnam War draft dodger, US income tax evader, and pussy grabbing low-life that he is, really and truly believes in his gnat-sized brain that he deserves to be not only the president, but the king.
SIDENOTE: Melania Trump recently told her BFF Meghan Markle that Donaldo has a collection of 17 king's crowns that he purchased on Amazon Prime.