Jimmy Kimmel set the tone, and the evening was elegant. But the most memorable was Jamie Lee Curtis, a child of Hollywood, winning an Oscar. Seeing her reaction after her name was called, was a treat. She finally made it up to the stage. Her speech…
The US Justice Department is in turmoil. Everyone guessed that Trump kept Top Secret Classified Documents for monetizing purposes. Biden had Top Secret Documents at his home from his Vice President days just because he didn’t realize they were there.
Like a dog, Mike Pence is faithful till the end. He doesn’t like Joe Biden accusing Donald Trump and MAGA assholes of being fascist shitheads. Even when they vowed to hang Pence on Jan 6. Even after Trump himself said a few negative words about Pe…
- Just like the Klan, I used to Know'... The new lyrics - thought up by Clarence Thomas' wife Ginnie. She was house cleaning and started humming the old Xmas tune and being a creative lady - just made-up new words. Her husband Clarence (an Ho…
Trump and Mike Pence buried the hatched momentarily when Donald invited Mike out to nine holes of golf. Strangely, Pence had to keep ducking as balls flew at his head. One of them even exploded. “Is he still trying to kill me?” Pence asked his…
WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Satire News) - Former Vice-President Mike Pence revealed in a video deposition that was shown at The Senate Condemnatory Hearing on The Evil Terrorist Assault of Jan. 6, that his former piece-of-shit, lying, screwing boss took mil…
Criminal evidence about President Pussy Grabber's action on January 6th is gushing out like water from a fire hose. The January 6th Committee did its work. Even his first daughter managed to drip out some wet evidence. But unfortunately, daddy was th…
CHICAGO - (Satire News) - The latest QuinniPinni Poll shows that the Trumptard's popularity is now lower than a rattlesnake's belly. A poll taken of 837,414 Republicans who voted for Trump in 2020, now clearly shows that they have finally come to…
COLUMBUS, Indiana - (Satire News) - The former vice-president, Mike Pence is fit to be tied after learning that the scumbag, evil, bigot (The Trumptard) tried to hire members of the Proud Oath Boys to have him hung. Pence told Anderson Cooper that…
NEW YORK CITY - (Satire News) - One of the most-awaited "Tell All" books on Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump has just hit the market. According to Stormy Coin, with The Daily Dirt, sales of Pence's excellently informative book titled, "I Was One Of T…
PALM BEACH, Florida - ( Satire New) – Word coming out of the spider-infested Mar-a-Lago mansion is that Donald John Trump is thrilled to announce that his vice-presidential running mate will be none other than his hot, sexy, lusciously delicious daug…
Washington, D.C.- Vice President, Mike Pence, doesn't get the broad powers to pardon prison sentences for his sordid array of scumbag pals. Hell, he doesn't even get to pardon the damn turkey. But on his last day in office, Pence did take the time…
LAS VEGAS – (Satire News) – Bedroom Pillow Talk revealed that Las Vegas television cooking show host, Peggy Pittalini, has divulged that the president tried to grope her pussy in the kitchen of the White House back in September of 2020. Pittalini,…
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – The Vox Populi News Agency is reporting that a source within the White House, says that Trump is so upset and depressed that he has locked himself in the White House Bunker. Just before the president got inside t…
NEW YORK CITY – (Satire News) - A recent poll conducted by the reputable polling agency, Quinnipinni, revealed that 91% of all Americans are fed up with Trump’s whining about his election loss. As many commented, the Lame Duck president is becomin…
EAST HOLLYWOOD – (Satire News) – Kanye West, the entertainer who came in third in the presidential election, has told Vice-President Pence that he is demanding a recount. West the Pest says that he feels that a lot of people did not vote for him s…
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – According to GOPicky Magazine, Vice-President Mike Pence has commented that he is so fed up with the mean, racist, hate-filled rhetoric of President Trump, that he plans to retire - even if Trump wins. Cahoots Wy…
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