The Vice-Presidential Debate Was Boring, The Moderator Sucked, and A Big Fly Peed on Mike Pence’s Head

Funny story written by Fannin Fabriano

Thursday, 8 October 2020

image for The Vice-Presidential Debate Was Boring, The Moderator Sucked, and A Big Fly Peed on Mike Pence’s Head
The results of the VP Debate are in: 1. Kamala Harris, 2. The Fly, 3. Mike Pence, 4. The Moderator.

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – (Satire News) – The Vox Populi News Agency stated that the television vice-presidential debate clearly showed that Vice-President Pence is just as much a jerk as “Baby Fingers” Trump when it comes to not following the established debate rules.

VPNA’s Ichabod Fernandez pointed out that the human mannequin repeatedly ignored Elizabeth Warren look-a-like moderator Susan Page, by going over his allotted two minutes each and every time.

Page, who showed she has the backbone of a jellyfish, told him his time was up each time, but it was like telling a child to put the candy bar down.

Pence, who can literally make an oil slick look cute, kept on going and going, due to the fact that he suffers from the same ailment as his daddy, King Donald the First, and that’s the “I’m a white guy and I can pretty much do whatever the eff I want, since I am entitled, and that is just the way the constitution reads.”

Kamala Harris did get in several good punches, like when she said that Pence is about as exciting as curdled milk.

But the highlight of the evening was when a Rocky Mountain Barbarian Fly peed on Pence’s cheap $43 toupee.

The fly was there so long, that it actually started making a nest. It was all Kamala could do to keep from bursting out laughing.

Many viewers, including lots of disgruntled Republicans, were hoping that the moderator would have called a time out, and swatted the fly, as it squatted on the vice-president's fake hair.

So overall, we learned that Pence, like Trump, when asked a simple question, will go out of his way to pivot, deflect, sidestep, dodge, divert and just not answer the damn question.

If he had been asked what 2 plus 2 was, he would most likely have said, let me just say that the great Salt Lake is really quite salty.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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