ATLANTA – (Satire News) - Every national news media organization is saying that Kelly Loeffler looked like a cross between a zombie, Ann Coulter, and a Stepford Wife. Many who watched the Georgia Television Debate between “Hairzilla” Loeffler and…
BILLINGSGATE POST: If Sleepy Joe comes out swinging from a vine before the debate tomorrow night, don’t be surprised. The secret is out. He is receiving chimpanzee blood plasma transfusions this week to rejuvenate himself. Crack investigative r…
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – (Satire News) – The Vox Populi News Agency stated that the television vice-presidential debate clearly showed that Vice-President Pence is just as much a jerk as “Baby Fingers” Trump when it comes to not following the establish…
LOS ANGELES – ABC has stated that they are finalizing the plans to have a debate on the virtual Jimmy Kimmel Show. Network executives have talked to both Anderson Cooper and Sean Hannity, and both men have agreed to appear on the show. Hannity...
In a heated debate over the existence of God, free will, and fundamental life spirit, philosophy professor and outspoken atheist, Dr. Donald Cartwright, brought the discussion to a screeching halt by asking whether his debate opponent, Church of Scie...
During a not-so-neighborly discussion on their neighborhood Listserv, Ken Campbell of Red River, Tennessee, made an excellent point in response to people's complaints about certain residents' hyper-political Listserv posts. “Why do you read them i...
Initial stories stated that Donald Trump did not spend much time preparing for the Presidential debate. A campaigner staffer who requested anonymity has explained the preparation time and the methods used. The limited time was caused by Trump's need...
Beuleh, MS Donald Trump was upset after the first debate he had with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. He was told by his advisers that he should have prepared more. "How dare anyone tell me I'm doing anything wrong! That debate went just like...
Hofstra University, NY Debate officials setting up the stage for the upcoming program were surprised to be interrupted by one-time Republican candidate, brain-surgeon Ben Carson. "He seemed confused, and thought he was supposed to be appearing th...
Trump University (TU) celebrated its first national debate championship thanks in large part to the recent open gun carry law passed by the Texas legislature and signed by the Governor. Using their right to carry guns into school events and on campu...
America's favorite TV therapist is going to tackle the crack-up of the Donald Trump and Ted Cruz bromance. "These guys have a lot of anger they are expressing, but we really need to get to the root causes of their co-dependent mutually destructive...
Last night's Republican debate in Detroit was only half the story. Our intrepid Senior Reporter, Dale Petrie has a nose for news, which fortunately for him was plugged, because to get the real dirt, he hid in the restroom at the Fox Theater. Here is...
The field of Democratic presidential hopefuls will face off in their second debate hosted by CBS in one month's time, but thanks to CNN's new predictive model using Bayesian statistics, Markov Chain and a new technique referred to as 'Hyperbole Subte...
Following Tuesday night's first Democratic presidential primary debate, former senator Jim Webb was given a chance to clarify one of the most memorable comments of the evening. Asked which enemy of his he is most proud of, Webb replied, "I'd have...
(New York) FOX News President Roger Ailes, in association with the New York State Athletic Commission President Tom Hoover and the Ohio Athletic Commission Chairman Tim Ochsenhirt, this morning outlined the protocol and procedures that have been adop...
Building upon the great success of Starbucks' Race Together campaign, a rival coffee house has unveiled their new concept of "Defend Your Position". "What we found out very quickly is that people already have very set opinions on a great many sub...
With the possibility that David Cameron could be "empty-chaired" in the TV election debates, Ed Miliband has been prepping for his appearance by debating an empty chair in private rehearsals. "Ed is very concerned about credibility", an insider to...
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