Robert Rundo Arrested By Rozzers

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Thursday, 25 October 2018

image for Robert Rundo Arrested By Rozzers
Rock and Roller!

The white supremacist, Robert Rundo, has been arrested in California for inciting riots, and excessive use of the letter 'r'.

Rundo, the really rather revolting Right-wing rebel renegade, and originator of the Rise Above Movement (RAM), has routinely rubbished rules regarding 'race' and 'racism', resulting in his restraining and remanding by robust, rough-and-ready, rugged rozzers.

Rundo was accused of acting to incite, organise, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry out riots, and at least one rumpus. There was also a suggestion of some rabble-rousing.

Rumors are rife that Rundo was reckoning on raising a ruckus, and on reforming the Reich.

Reporting restrictions regularly regulate rogues rike Rundo.

Reaction to the report was rukewarm.

Rundo retorted rhetorically with no other response than:


Then some retard blew a raspberry.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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