iNews reporter Kitty Segovia reports that the Alabama chapter of the KKK has just shown their disdain for the LGBTQ organization. Miss Segovia noted that an unidentified Grand Wizard stated that at a recent crossing burning event, the Crapola Cree…
DUCK DUNG, Alabama - (Satire News) - Asburn Wasabi, a writer with Omninum Gatherum, writes that Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump, estranged husband of Melania "Legs" Trump, has just been named by the Ku Klux Klan as their 2023 Man of The Year. When t…
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – Shock waves are resonating in the world of the GOP, as reports that one of the Trumpturd’s sons, Donald Jr., (aka Dopey) has been found to be a dues-paying member of the KKK. Donnie Jr., who uses the KKK alias “M…
HOUSTON, Texas - (Satire News) - The News Blues News Agency has broken the story that one of the most hated persons in America (besides Trump, Gaetz, Jordan, and Gutfeld) has been a card-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan since May of 2016. The i…
In another stunning pile of stupidity the US Supreme Court ruled by a majority that good ol’ boys are allowed to parade through areas of America inhabited by people of color, sporting ghost outfits and carrying lit torches. Ghost suits were previo…
DALLAS - (Satire News) - Jerry Jones has just announced that he has had to fire one of his newest members of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders squad. Jones told Sports Bet Gazette reporter Zorro La Bamba that the reason why he fired 24-year-old Yvett…
NASHVILLE, TN – Following Monday’s senate floor session, TN Republican State Sen. Stephen Leghorn stopped to answer questions of the press on the Capitol steps. Our very own Ernest Funtz was there, and he asked Sen. Leghorn about his position on the…
BOSTON - (Satire News) - The twice-impeached one term resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. aka "Trump The Racist Tax-Evader" is reportedly fit-to-be-tied after reading in the supermarket tabloid, Whoa Today, that he is a charter member of the KKK. T…
DUCK DUNG, Alabama - (Satire News) - One of the nation's largest Ku Klux Klan chapters has just sent Hollywood B-actor, Will "The Sensitive SOB" Smith, an email saying that they would love for him to join their anti-Black organization. Smith repor…
DUCK DUNG, Alabama – (Satire News) – The KKK has just issued an organizational memo stating that they are sick and tired of Mitch “The Bitch” McConnell attacking their beloved hero Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump. Finius Finnstertuck, 53, who is the…
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – Senate minority leader Mitch “The Moscow Bitch” McConnell was recently asked about the widespread rumor that he owns an official KKK hood and robe. McConnell almost choked on the slice of Pizza Hut pepperoni pizz…
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – The ugliest-looking member of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, keeps insisting that she is not a charter member of the KKK. She recently appeared on The Tucker Carlson Show and she told “Swamp Creature #2*” that…
DUCK DUNG, Alabama – (Satire News) – The Ku Klux Klan Newsletter The Cotton Balls Review, stated that this past summer, at least a dozen or so KKKers fainted at Klan rallies due to the extreme heat. Cinderella St. Lamb, a reporter with the Daily D…
WHITE HOOD, Mississippi – Researchers have researched Donald Trump’s family tree and they have come up with a crooked-as-heck tree that had dozens and dozens of interesting branches. It was learned that DJT’s great, great, grandfather Cyrus Earl D…
COTTON BRITCHES, Alabama – (Satire News) – One of the highest ranking grand wizards of The Non-Benevolent Order of the Bougainvillea Chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, Boudreaux "Cornbread" Dippadiddle, has just confirmed that the KKK and the Oath Keepers…
LONDON – (Satire News) – Popular British journalist and television personality Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan wants the entire world to know that contrary to what a certain member of Ireland’s Bohemian F.C. has said, along with thousands of other folks, b…
CRACKERHEAD, Georgia – (Satire News) - The President spoke before a crowd of 27 at a Walmart parking lot, and told them that he promises he will never, ever leave the White House, even if someone kidnaps his son, Eric. Trump, who is becoming more…
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