Gay man comes out of closet, but father makes him go back in

Funny story written by rimisaC

Sunday, 7 December 2014

He finally mustered up enough fortitude and courage to do it.

However, once Parker Williams stepped out the closet, revealing his homosexuality to the world, his father, Frank Williams, was standing right there.

"He made me go right back in," Parker Williams said, in on-phone interview from inside the closet. "He's such an asshole."

You can tell Parker Williams is gay from a mile away, which why others believe Frank Williams doesn't want his son out in public.

Some of Parker's friends admitted that their friend can be a little much sometimes.

Kristina Olivier, a close friend of Parker's, acknowledged how gay Parker really is.

"I love Parker," she said, "but I will admit, he's one of those gay boys you meet, and you think to yourself 'Is this guy serious?'"

Olivier visits Parker in his closet every week, and said, despite being confined to a closet, her friend is keeping his spirits high.

"He's hanging in there," she said. "It's not the first time he's been stuck in a tight, dark spot. Although, this one may smell better than the others."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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