The US has announced drastic punishments for any member of ISIS caught on the battlefield or returning to America from Syria and Iraq - and the announcement has left many shocked with many would be terrorists reconsidering whether or not joining the Islamic State is worth it.
"They (ISIS) started this. They are using horrific tactics to frighten us - we are following suit," said a spokesman for Homeland Security who asked for anonymity. In accordance with our privacy policies we will not publish Dave Mcintosh's name.
"This should send shock waves and have them running scared," continued Dave (Mcintosh).
According to the White House all ISIS prisoners will be forced to watch a trio of homosexual men cavorting and dancing in an undisclosed location (probably San Francisco) as well as being forced to watch continuous screenings of 'Sex In The City', 'Brokeback Mountain' and several Tom Cruise movies.
One man, who was planning to join ISIS and fly to Syria said, "No. It is just too much, they have beaten us at our own game. I could put up maybe with the dancing, and of course The Pet Shop Boy's music - but being forced to watch Top Gun? I would rather burn in hell."