A Church in Tallahassee, Florida who has a sister church in Virginia, both hold services in the nude.
"You don't have to worry about what you wear or trying to show off a new outfit here", stated Brother Arnold Webb. "We're all the same in that we're all naked."
This isn't The White Tail Church in Virginia butt it's sister which calls herself, No Sin In The Skin, and both churches did not know about each other until the White tail church appeared in a recent news article.
"They got caught with their pants down, I joked with Brother Porker...I mean Pucker. Now they're on the internet and we'll find out how many churches we got where no one wears any clothes."
Brother Webb stated that he always preached the naked truth and that Adam and Eve were naked until the devil came along. "So why should we let the devil take away our rights?"
Webb said the church is full on night and day services, once on Sunday a on Sunday and Wednesday night.
"Just like the White Tail church, we bare our souls as well as everything else."
Asked if we could take some photographs, Webb refused. He said they were not circus freaks and genuine in their beliefs.
Do people come to church naked or undress somewhere in the building?
"We come from our homes naked. This is a nudist colony as is the White Tail church. I thought you would notice that when we agreed to the interview."
All we could say was that it was early and no one was outside at this time.
"Yeah. It's right crisp down here now. I really don't see how the flock up in Virginia do it. The chill bumps must be having a party."
We did see a few on our way out but nothing much to look at, if you know what I mean. Most of these are older people, I guess!