Putin Bans Colbert Show Punishes Viewers of Pussy Riot

Funny story written by Keith Shirey

Friday, 7 February 2014


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image for Putin Bans Colbert Show Punishes Viewers of Pussy Riot

Two of the Pussy Riot Russian punk band were hilarious on the Stephen Colbert show 2 nights ago. They poked fun at virtual dictator, Valdimir Putin and made his athletic exploits, which display his aging body, look absurd. The Pussy Riot members were in jail for 21 months for singing an anti-Putin song in Moscow and were released several months ago.

Afer viewing the Colbert show, Putin has banned it in Russia, and forbidden anyone using the band or band members' name. Thus far 19 people have been arrested and convicted for defying Putin's decree.

The sentence for violation is either 1) Viewing Putine riding a horse without his shirt or watching him wrestle with only his shorts on. 2) Exile to the Siberian Gulag for a term of 3 years.

Thus far, all 19 have chosen to go to Siberia.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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