Edward Snowden, who is out to become the modern Benedict Arnold stated today that U.S CIA officials know that Israel has developed a very small drone that carries considerable explosive power along with the ability of disrupting enemy communications.
"They got the drone information from the United States but have perfected it into the size of a locust. In fact, they actually look like locusts."
You can imagine going against an enemy that can unleash tens of thousands of these at their enemies and it would totally wipe out a major military operation or huge army on the ground and destroy any communications.
"This is not a part of their 'Iron Dome'. This is an offensive weapon and it is scattered around the country so they cannot be eliminated."
A source told us that several locations are underground and called "7-Year-Locusts" They also say that they are in many locations that Muslims would not wish to blow up because of their religious significance.
Many are now wondering how many more surprises are being hidden around the world. But not for long or you might crack up!