Statues cause protests in London

Funny story written by newsinfoplus

Sunday, 19 August 2007

image for Statues cause protests in London
A disaster from the start

Protests have been held in London to campaign against a series of statues of Gordon Brown's head which have been put up around London as part of a PR campaign to make the "Not the dour Scotsman" more widely accepted.

The statues are all fifty foot high and are positioned at points of historical interest to draw the attention of tourists and those in the city from outside.

However response to the campaign has not been positive. Over thirteen thousand people marched on parliament square waving placards proclaiming "Get rid of the Scottish ********" and "********** you Mr brown you Scottish egoist"

Despite this a spokesman from the department behind the statues,the Ministry of Public Psychology, said "We understand that some people may be upset by the statues, and that it has not been a great popular success; but we believe that this is not due to the statues themselves, but caused by the Conservative Party using mind control."

Boris Johnson MP responded to the accusations of the spokesman by offending yet another minority group: Labour Supporters.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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