Global Warming Protestors 'As Thick As Pig-Shit'

Funny story written by Aisubeki Akiudo

Friday, 17 August 2007


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image for Global Warming Protestors 'As Thick As Pig-Shit'
Ooops.......Silly Arses....!

BRIGHTON (Defecated News) - a large group of climate change protestors embarrassed themselves beyond measure today. So much so, that some of their own people had to ask them to leave.

An organisation called Climate Needs Doers converged on Brighton beach and under the command of their leader, Adam Hister, formed a circular shape shouting,


"We demand a change in aviation policy. This symbol for our CND, that I designed, means no (circle) planes (planes)", said Hister, a professional hippy and protestor.

But soon the errors of their judgement became apparent and scores fled in shame. Crowds gathered round, pointing at them and taunting them by calling them 'as thick as pig-shit', 'dumb twats' and 'people with shit-filled skulls'.

The new CND group (and the old) refused to comment further.

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