Northern Ireland is having a big Tantrum over Brexit - so Rishi and the Conservatives are bending over backward to placate them with special Brexit legislation - (and the European Union is bending over backward also, forming some kind of human bridge across the divide).
Under Brexit (with stupid Conservative British bargaining) - some British Goods coming into Northern Ireland by ship would have to be inspected at a customs station. (But not if coming into Northern Ireland by land.)
So Northern Ireland will have political tantrums until Britain and the Euro Union does their Bidding - know...
Meanwhile, Scotland wants full freedom and their own democracy.
They also get 'special treatment' by Rishi and the Conservatives.
They get to stay a slave state of Britain - with Charles as their King - whether they like it or not - Nicola doesn't.
One part of Britain gets 'coddled' - the other gets the 'club' - welcome to the United Kingdom!
Basil Blatherer - Old Church News