Northern Ireland to Get 'Special Treatment' in New Sunak Brexit Deal

Funny story written by UncleDale

Sunday, 26 February 2023

image for Northern Ireland to Get 'Special Treatment' in New Sunak Brexit Deal
Containers full of British sausages going to waste.

Northern Ireland is having a big Tantrum over Brexit - so Rishi and the Conservatives are bending over backward to placate them with special Brexit legislation - (and the European Union is bending over backward also, forming some kind of human bridge across the divide).

Under Brexit (with stupid Conservative British bargaining) - some British Goods coming into Northern Ireland by ship would have to be inspected at a customs station. (But not if coming into Northern Ireland by land.)

So Northern Ireland will have political tantrums until Britain and the Euro Union does their Bidding - know...

Meanwhile, Scotland wants full freedom and their own democracy.

They also get 'special treatment' by Rishi and the Conservatives.

They get to stay a slave state of Britain - with Charles as their King - whether they like it or not - Nicola doesn't.

One part of Britain gets 'coddled' - the other gets the 'club' - welcome to the United Kingdom!

Basil Blatherer - Old Church News

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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