Basically, the British people were lied to about Brexit by the Conservative politicians (and the British corporations behind them).
'Sold a Bill of Goods' as they say. British businesses are happy - got rid of the competition.
Now an Indian 'Mad Hatter' will continue the Separation.
Europeans living in England will be evicted - and Europe will evict British retirees living in Europe. Tit for Tat. With England living miserably behind its Conservative Wall.
No more European Porn or Brits. trashing European soccer matches - British Life has lost some of its Zest with no Brexit.
As long as Conservatives are in Power - this Crazy, 'Alice in Wonderland' situation will go on.
Meanwhile Ireland - still a part of Europe is happy and Prosperous.
What happened to this 'Sceptered Isle’? It is fast turning into an isolated Third world Banana Monarchy.
(Editorial brought to you by the Dr. Futuro Foundation for a Better Britain.)