Prince Harry killed 25 Taliban fuckers. Big whoop. That’s 25 fewer asshole to tell women what to do (is that Afghanistan or America I’m writing about?) Hopefully the Taliban are overthrown by all the women and girls they won’t let go to school. First Iran, then the Taliban. Sounds like a Taylor Swift hit.
Harry’s got a gun and he knows how to shoot it. He also knows how to shoot off his mouth. He wrote a book and it’s making money. Is Meghan’s book in the works? Maybe they’ll both co-author a children’s book about killing Taliban? The sky’s the limit when you have tons of followers and fans and know how to take care of your enemies with a simple point and shoot.
Won’t this guy just shut the fuck up? Every time you open your mouth, you cannot sound like a victim of anything. Your were rich and famous before you were born. Now, it’s just gas escaping.
No wonder Harry married an American. He likes guns. Will he stay in America and join the NRA? Will he work to lose his accent to hide from daddy and step-mom? Did daddy teach him how to shoot, or was that Queen Liz when she was strafing partridges and pear trees then wringing their necks?
That’s a violent family right there. Call a team of shrinks. Is there an official royal shrink who knows all their secrets and blood-lust? Is the shrink’s couch permanently dented by Andrew?
So many questions, if only someone would answer one of the good ones, and not boring shit about how a prince killed people in an unjust war.
Next up: the Taliban invade Britain to liberate its people from the Windsors!