Corbyn to Exhume Thatcher

Funny story written by John_L

Sunday, 30 August 2015

image for Corbyn to Exhume Thatcher
Posthumous Execution Plan.

Labour Leadership frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn today told supporters that were he to be elected Prime Minister he would exhume the body of Margaret Thatcher and place it on trial for her crimes and expunging her premiership from history.

"First I will nullify Thatcher's years in office and then Tony Blair's and David Cameron's the other two weren't so bad." Corbyn said. "But by doing this I can reset the clock to 1986 and that is where my policies are relevant." He continued to general baying from his followers.

Some of Corbyn's supporters have raised doubts about the idea. Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone said "I'm not sure, you see if we expunge Thatcher and Blair we don't have anyone to blame. Most of Jeremy's supporters have no idea about his policies, they just hoot and holler when he bad mouths Thatcher and Blair. Last thing we need is them actually seeing that his policies are regressive and would harm the majority of poor working class people in the country."

The move is thought to have been inspired by the Cadaver Synod held in Rome in 897. This was where Pope Stephen VI disinterred Pope Formosus and nullified his papacy.

However the Supreme Court has released a statement saying that such a move is not legal, in fact it seems that during the restoration Charles II attempted to expunge the commonwealth but failed. However Oliver Cromwell was executed for Regicide posthumously.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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