NASCAR Driver Toby Tarbinski Is Suspended For Two Weeks For Using Illegal Windshield Wiper Fluid

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Friday, 1 July 2022

image for NASCAR Driver Toby Tarbinski Is Suspended For Two Weeks For Using Illegal Windshield Wiper Fluid
Tarbinski insists that he purchased the windshield wiper fluid at Walmart, and it is 100% legal.

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina - (Sports Satire) - NASCAR regrets having to suspend one of their drivers for a violation regarding windshield wiper fluid,

A rep for NASCAR stated to Sports Territory Magazine's Tango Brisket, that after an extensive investigation, they have determined that popular stock car racer Toby "The Carburetor" Tarbinski did in fact use windshield wiper fluid in his stock car #93 that was deemed to be illegal.

Tarbinski swears that he purchased the windshield wiper fluid from a local Walmart in Charlotte, and it does in fact meet with the NASCAR acceptable guidelines.

Meanwhile NASCAR has informed him that after doing extensive tests on the fluid that it has been determined that the windshield wiper fluid, which Toby used in his #93 car is illegal as it came from an unsanctioned Cambodian windshield wiper fluid shop

SIDENOTE: The Cambodian windshield wiper shop has recently been fined for illegally watering down their windshield wiper fluid.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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