ATLANTA - (Sports Satire) - The sexiest and prettiest NASCAR driver Danica Patrick, told Skin Flix Illustrated Magazine writer Hank Bangbocker, that lately she has been so bored she's been watching rerurns of weather on the Weather Channel.
The hot, sexy, delicious woman about whom Aaron Rodgers recently said can make his football tee stand up quicker than even the hottest Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, will be racing in the Atlanta War Between The States 400.
Danni, as Aaron calls her, noted that there is nothing that can make her damper 'down there' than sitting behind the wheel of a race car and flying around the race track at 205 miles per hour.
Ms. Patrick paused for a moment, combed her long black locks, and with a shyistic smile commented, "Well except when I think of my Rodgy tickling my belly button with his oversized tongue." ■