Scientists Say That The Great Salt Lake In Nevada Is Actually Only .3% Salt and Not 99% As Previously Believed

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

image for Scientists Say That The Great Salt Lake In Nevada Is Actually Only .3% Salt and Not 99% As Previously Believed
The lake was discovered by famed explorer Mortimer F. Morton, ancestor of the Morton family of Morton Salt fame.

SALT LAKE CITY – (Satire News) – A group of Utah scientists recently finished a five week research study and they have learned that the Great Salt Lake is not what it appears to be.

For millions of years, everyone believed that the lake, whose real name is Lake Geecheepeecheetonka was almost totally Morton's salt.

The lake's official name is Navajo and means “Water that is salty-as-hell and which if swallowed will cause some bad ass runs, and trust me, I ain't shitting you.”

Meanwhile the mayor of Salt Lake City Erin Mendenhall, has made it abundantly clear that she will not move to have the lake's name changed to "The Lake That Is Actually Only .3% Salt," as a group of Republicans have suggested. ■

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