Men can exchange their 'dicks' after successful penis transplantation in US!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Tuesday, 24 April 2018


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image for Men can exchange their 'dicks' after successful penis transplantation in US!
Body builders are queuing up for the transplantation because they haven't seen their 'dicks' for years!

Men paranoid with the size of their favorite 'tool', either too big or too small (size doesn't matter at all; thanks Rammstein for that), can now ask for a new one because in the US a successful transplantation has opened the floodgates..

Indian/Asian men, blessed with tiny dicks can now ask for fully-functioning larger ones, and men with over-sized 'tools' (no racist thoughts please!), who scare females out of their skin, can also ask for a smaller version to keep their partners happy instead of stabbing them to death!

The operation will be quite costly, but worth the six to twelve-month recovery period because the operation guarantees full sexual activity after the op! Sadly, 'cojones' can not be transplanted yet, but then again who needs a new set of hairy balls, golf balls yes, but hairy ones?

The US hospital involved has been inundated with requests for operations from all over the planet and are now setting up a hot-line for distressed males who look in the mirror every morning asking the question; why me? Their partners also ask the same question!

The technology involved in the transplantation is being sold by a US medical company, secretly owned by Trump, for millions globally, as Donald believes every man on the planet should have the right to 'hang' perfectly just like he does and, business is business...

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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