French waiter sacked in Canadian restaurant after telling Brit to 'F' off!!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Tuesday, 27 March 2018


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image for French waiter sacked in Canadian restaurant after telling Brit to 'F' off!!
Jaggednoe's CIA Army is unstoppable in uncovering the world's best "Brexit" spoofs! Vive la France!!

Vancouver, 26.03.2018: French Canadians are in a state of shock after a Brit went into a restaurant in Vancouver demanding that the waiter on duty speak English, but he couldn't he was French; shock, horror!

The altercation became quite loud, and coincidentally, Jaggedone, had one of his 5 star CIA (Cockroach Infiltration Army) Michelin reporters, Messr. Merde-Cocteau, in the restaurant pilfering food that was meant to be handed out to the homeless after closing and, he sent this report back to CIA HQ in a sewer near Amsterdam; here it is:

Brit to waiter: "I demand that you speak English to me, imbecile!"

French waiter to Brit: "Fuck off!"

Brit to waiter: "We will after Brexit you French turd!"

French waiter to Brit: "Merde Anglais!"

Brit to waiter: "My golly that's shocking, you French twat!"

French waiter to Brit: "Va te faire foutre!"

Brit to waiter: "I will report your terrible behavior to your boss you 'chatte!'

French waiter to Brit: "Stick your cordon bleu up your fat British 'cul' et vive la France, putain de toi!"

The French waiter was sacked on the spot and the Brit punter was given a rousing applause by English soccer hooligans on R & R visiting Vancouver after wrecking Amsterdam.

Crawling out of the restaurant later a certain super-star chef, in incognito, was seen by Jaggedone's star CIA reporter and, without being sued by this foul-mouthed multi-millionaire, his name starts with a G and ends in a Y??

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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