
Funny satire stories about News Rehash

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Funny story: US "Super Pooper" claims he was only dunging the school playing fields!

US "Super Pooper" claims he was only dunging the school playing fields!

US dung beetles are having a field day in New Jersey after a mystery human "Super Pooper" left a trail of smelly, smoking crap around the sport fields of a school in Monmouth County. School authorities could not even blame local dogs pooing on the...

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Funny story: Fondle The Meat Balls

Fondle The Meat Balls

Insane and somewhat destructive news has come hurtling out of Sweden today as the country admitted that it’s famed “Swedish Meatballs” are in fact “Turkish”. At the mention of foreigners Brexiteers were up in arms and The Daily Mail published a “are...

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Funny story: "Sex 5 times a day, is not enough!" Claim's 85 year-old Russian nymphomaniac!

"Sex 5 times a day, is not enough!" Claim's 85 year-old Russian nymphomaniac!

Too much sex on a daily basis is a disease claim WHO scientists, and have declared the disease to be in the same category as being totally 'bonkers!' Jaggedone, who knows several nympho's, decided to send his star CIA (Cockroach Infiltration Army)...

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Funny story: Men can exchange their 'dicks' after successful penis transplantation in US!

Men can exchange their 'dicks' after successful penis transplantation in US!

Men paranoid with the size of their favorite 'tool', either too big or too small (size doesn't matter at all; thanks Rammstein for that), can now ask for a new one because in the US a successful transplantation has opened the floodgates.. Indian/A...

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Funny story: 1 drink a day shortens your life claim UK scientists, BULLSHIT! Lets all BURP together!

1 drink a day shortens your life claim UK scientists, BULLSHIT! Lets all BURP together!

The age old discussion of booze and health refuses to go away as scientists have come up with yet another threat to our lives; apart from dropping out of a plane, being hit by East European trucks, crossing the road generally, and falling in the bath, among millions of other reasons why our lives could be shortened! Well Jaggedone sent his CIA (Cockroach Infiltration Army) star, piss-artist rep...

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Funny story: French waiter sacked in Canadian restaurant after telling Brit to 'F' off!!

French waiter sacked in Canadian restaurant after telling Brit to 'F' off!!

Vancouver, 26.03.2018: French Canadians are in a state of shock after a Brit went into a restaurant in Vancouver demanding that the waiter on duty speak English, but he couldn't he was French; shock, horror! The altercation became quite loud, and...

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Funny story: Brits win WW3 around the swimming pool as Germans throw their towels in!

Brits win WW3 around the swimming pool as Germans throw their towels in!

The normally efficient German tourist trade has lost the 'Battle of the Pool', and have been forced back to the beaches because Brit tourist companies have secured the "Front-line" by reserving sun- lounges for their lobster-looking punters! Germa...

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Funny story: UK supermarket's latest sales hit! World's most venomous spider wrapped in bananas!

UK supermarket's latest sales hit! World's most venomous spider wrapped in bananas!

To boost flagging sales in their supermarkets, clever marketing gurus have introduced a "wicked" way to get the public to enter their stores instead of their competitors; they are importing the world's most deadly, venomous spider! Wrapped in bun...

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