Kimberly Guilfoyle Confirms That Her Future Daddy-In-Law, Donald The Perv Has Been Placed On Suicide Watch

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Thursday, 6 April 2023

image for Kimberly Guilfoyle Confirms That Her Future Daddy-In-Law, Donald The Perv Has Been Placed On Suicide Watch
Experts say the Nazi would actually have to eat over 45 Big Macs to OD.

BROOKLYN, New York - (Spoof News) - The New York Sunshine Observer Newspaper reports that ToxicTrump has been put on suicide watch

Reporter Carmine Calatino said that he caught a glimpse of the haggard looking, 34-count indicted asshole and said that he looked like adult whale shit mixed into a slimy Atlantic Ocean oil spill.

Kimberly Guilfoyle who is considered by many to simply be a Puerto Rican golddigger remarked that her future husband Don "Dopey" Trump Jr. told her that he is afraid that the Old Nazi jerk may try to OD on Big Macs.

But like his personal physician Dr. Yang Fufi stated, "The Orange Predator would probably have to eat about 45 burgers in order to actually overdose."

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