None of the Popes Care if Priests have Sex

Funny story written by UncleDale

Friday, 6 January 2023

image for None of the Popes Care if Priests have Sex
Father Julio Martinez tuns heads in his block heel boots

An article in Religious Rapture magazine concludes none of the Popes care if priests have sex.

American Evangelicals love to 'knock' the religious enemy - Catholicism and the Pope. (Standing in their way to more Power and Money).

Basically, Popes and Bishops prefer priests have no sex with Children - (and women can get pregnant) - so sex with Men is safest.

Early in Church history - for about 1, 000 years - Priests were Married.

But Since the Pope has to theoretically stay Celibate - everyone else has too also.

(Although in the Past, many Popes had children who also became Popes.)

And in the Middle Ages - the Church historically had Royal Abbesses with the religious Power of a Bishop - (but let's pretend that didn't happen).

Anyway - The Church has invested a lot in a Priest, Bishop, or Archbishop - by the time they 'Don the Robe' - and can't lose that investment.

So 'look away' or 'cover - up' is historically the standard approach of the local Bishop - and with Higher clergy - by the Pope himself.

(So, priests' sex lives go on as Usual - except for the occasional 'Hiccup' when a Bishop or Archbishop is caught.)

It's a Sin the way they handle Priests and Bishops having Sex with the Faithful.

At least that is how the Evangelicals see it.

(Basil Blathering - Olde Church News).

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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