An article in Religious Rapture magazine concludes none of the Popes care if priests have sex.
American Evangelicals love to 'knock' the religious enemy - Catholicism and the Pope. (Standing in their way to more Power and Money).
Basically, Popes and Bishops prefer priests have no sex with Children - (and women can get pregnant) - so sex with Men is safest.
Early in Church history - for about 1, 000 years - Priests were Married.
But Since the Pope has to theoretically stay Celibate - everyone else has too also.
(Although in the Past, many Popes had children who also became Popes.)
And in the Middle Ages - the Church historically had Royal Abbesses with the religious Power of a Bishop - (but let's pretend that didn't happen).
Anyway - The Church has invested a lot in a Priest, Bishop, or Archbishop - by the time they 'Don the Robe' - and can't lose that investment.
So 'look away' or 'cover - up' is historically the standard approach of the local Bishop - and with Higher clergy - by the Pope himself.
(So, priests' sex lives go on as Usual - except for the occasional 'Hiccup' when a Bishop or Archbishop is caught.)
It's a Sin the way they handle Priests and Bishops having Sex with the Faithful.
At least that is how the Evangelicals see it.
(Basil Blathering - Olde Church News).