NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana - (Satire News) - The Veni Vidi Vici News Agency has just announced that the Louisiana 2nd grade teacher who was voted "The Teacher With The Prettiest Pussy" has resigned her teaching position.
Writer Lexus Jo Dix spoke with the stunningly sexy, long haired blonde Tammy St. Beauregard, at a Red Lobster in "Nawlins" as the locals call New Orleans.
The 27-year-old blonde beauty was on Cloud 9, after being signed to a multi-year contract to model lingerie (string bikini panties, see-thru bras, and sheer baby dolls), for the extremely popular lingerie and beauty US retailer.
VS spokesperson Linda Fistatolli, 31, stated that the company is thrilled to have signed the beautiful former elementary school teacher.
Fistatolli said that Miss Beaurgard will be groomed to be one of the Victoria's Secret "Angels."
Linda added that as a VS supermodel, Tammy will get to travel all over the nation as well as to the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America representing the "Sex Sells" company.
SIDENOTE: The svelte Miss Beauregard (who is 5-foot-7, and weighs 119 pounds), revealed that she recently broke up with her boyfriend, who is a 6-foot-4-inch, 285 pound defensive tackle for the New Orleans Saints NFL football team.