Tilly the Traveler Visits the Sex Retirement Towns of Florida

Funny story written by UncleDale

Sunday, 25 December 2022

image for Tilly the Traveler Visits the Sex Retirement Towns of Florida
"Breasts like an almond" is not always a compliment.

I got away from Cold England and went to Warmish Florida for Xmas.

Florida has five or six Huge rural retirement towns - all the retail amenities.

Fast - food shops and restaurants - and plenty of Sex.

Dangerous Senior Living sent me. They had heard it was sexually dangerous in these towns - sexually 'Hot' if you know what I mean.

It's all true. Viagra has caused a revolution in Senior Sex.

The local restaurants with large bars in the back - and dance floors were hopping on a Saturday night.

Women 70 looking 50 due to Botox and Makeup are meeting toupeed Men in trusses and belly bands(seemingly in - shape) - and the rest is Viagra History.

Some sexual diseases, abundant in the Young, are on the uptick in these communities.

Dancing is popular - couples swirl and sway to - "You Made me Love you - (I Didn't want to Do It) as its wafts through the Florida air.

(One last chance to get Laid seems to be the thought of many of the portly Romeos there. )

I even got propositioned three times - as I was the new 'Meat' in town.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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