I got away from Cold England and went to Warmish Florida for Xmas.
Florida has five or six Huge rural retirement towns - all the retail amenities.
Fast - food shops and restaurants - and plenty of Sex.
Dangerous Senior Living sent me. They had heard it was sexually dangerous in these towns - sexually 'Hot' if you know what I mean.
It's all true. Viagra has caused a revolution in Senior Sex.
The local restaurants with large bars in the back - and dance floors were hopping on a Saturday night.
Women 70 looking 50 due to Botox and Makeup are meeting toupeed Men in trusses and belly bands(seemingly in - shape) - and the rest is Viagra History.
Some sexual diseases, abundant in the Young, are on the uptick in these communities.
Dancing is popular - couples swirl and sway to - "You Made me Love you - (I Didn't want to Do It) as its wafts through the Florida air.
(One last chance to get Laid seems to be the thought of many of the portly Romeos there. )
I even got propositioned three times - as I was the new 'Meat' in town.