Elon Musk proudly reinstates Donald Twitter on Trump … or something like that. The rich and powerful and evil don’t write checks or do favours for the poor; instead, the rich help the rich, and the poor can go fuck themselves.
Elon is right wing, will vote Republican, and therefore has decided to hate women and their bodies, plus veterans and the elderly and immigrants and anyone not rich.
Elon comes from South Africa, where apartheid was once king, until it was overthrown and lots of racist white South Africans went somewhere else … like America.
Twitter employees walked away and left a scrolling LED message of inconvenience truths for the man who walked in with a kitchen sink cuz he wants to sink a company.
Elon is turning into Howard Hughes, and will soon be wearing Kleenex boxes on his feet and thinking an airplane (or rocket, in Elon’s case) made of wood is a good idea.
Elon needs a drink. He will soon buy some kind of alcohol company since alcohol always sells and makes money, whereas a social media company can come and go like a hangover.
Elon is Twitter’s hangover after a pandemic party that laid waste to Twitter.
Elon Musk is a snakeoil salesman who eats his own tail.