Move Over Elon Musk - Gautam Shantilal Adani Will Soon Replace You As The Richest Man In The World

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Friday, 9 September 2022

image for Move Over Elon Musk - Gautam Shantilal Adani Will Soon Replace You As The Richest Man In The World
Adani is known as "Mr. Lots and Lots of Money."

NEW YORK CITY - (Satire News) - There is a new kid in town, who financial experts predict will soon surpass Musk, Bezos, and Gates and become the "Richest Man In The World."

The Cloud 9 News Agency's Lexi Aspen, noted that Gautam
Shantilal Adani of Dubai, India is the owner, president, and CEO of Adani, Inc, which includes Adani Solar Energy, Adani International iPads, Adani Beer, and Adani Reusable Condoms.

Adani is a 60-year-old entrepeneur who made his first million at the tender age of 8.

According to Global Source News Agency reporter Topeka Joplin, Adani is the smartest person, not only in Dubai, and in India, but in all of Asia.

To Find More Info On Gautam Shantilal Adani log on to www.gautamshantilaladanigenius.$$$

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