Manic-Depressive Batman: A Day in the Life

Funny story written by Butch

Saturday, 19 February 2022

image for Manic-Depressive Batman: A Day in the Life

We’ve seen our favorite heroes gender-swapped and race-swapped over the years in our media. Now see your favorite stars battling with mental illnesses from the DSM-V.

Alfred walks into the bedroom of Batman with his lunch he prepared for him and sees that his previous breakfast and dinner are still sitting there cold on his nightstand.

Alfred, “Please sir, you’ve got to eat something.”

Batman, “.....”

Alfred opens the blinds to let some sunshine into the room hoping it will get our hero out of his bed.

Alfred, “And for crying out loud, take a damn shower! You stink, sir.”

Batman, “I don’t deserve to eat or clean myself. Everybody hates me.”

Alfred, “Well, not everyone, sir. Just the Joker....the Riddler...Catwoman...the Penguin...and Two-Face. Oh, and Poison Ivy too. That’s about it, sir, though. Oh yes, and Robin since he's dead.”

Batman signs.

Alfred, “You know the Joker is still wreaking havoc in the streets today. The police report said that 3 people have died from his thugs."

Batman, “What can I do about it? I’m just one man. I should have been able to protect my parents. Why was I such a defenseless child?”

Alfred, “Here we go again. Shall I call your psychiatrist so you can talk to her today, sir?”

Batman, “What’s the point?”

Alfred, “Ok, sir. I have to get out of here while I still have a will to live. Enjoy your putrid food and stank, sir.”

Batman, “Go ahead leave! Just like everybody else does in my life.”

Alfred, “Ok. I’m taking the Batmobile to the movies, sir. I have a date with Poison Ivy.”

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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